Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Top Two Tuesday...things you can't live without!

The two things I can't live without...

#1....my iphone!

I'm so obsessed with my iphone and I don't even realize it! Tom gave it to me for my birthday last year but now I think he wishes he hadn't! Its just so easy to mindlessly place games, check email/facebook, whatever!

And #2....

Diet Coke!

I don't drink coffee so my primary souce of caffeine in the morning is diet coke. I have to have it! I used to drink sooo many a day but now I am down to two! Two too many but I'm trying! :)
Go over to Undomestic Mama to play!


Aly @ Analyze This said...

Hello! What a acute blog! First, I must ask...where did you get your tops? The one in your header AND the one in your profile picture! I LOVE THEM!!! Secondly, you are about the 8th person that has selected Diet Coke! I think I should invest in stock with Coca-Cola....Y'all are keeping them in business!!

Have a blessed day! :)

Candice said...

Oh yes!!! I must have my phone on at all times. And not a day goes by where I don't start my morning with a diet coke :) ha! Have a great Tuesday!

Beth McC. said...

Great Picks! I couldnt live wihtout my cell phone! I put my iPhone as number one too!! I love your blog its so cute, consider me a follower! Thanks for sharing! Happy Tuesday!

Lindsey said...

your blog is too cute - and i will second aly's comments - you have the cutest tops!
i'm the same way with my diet coke - its my morning coffee and my afternoon pick-me up, I would be lost without it!

The Undomestic Mom said...

Love your picks---and your blog! My blogger isnt letting me follow anyone today but I will remember to come back and follow!

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

Yep, I'm addicted to my DC too!