Friday, July 22, 2011

SUYL...Marriage Advice

We have only been married two years so I feel a little silly giving marriage advice!

However, the best thing I was ever told that I feel like has helped me the most is that when things seem like they are at their worst, remember the feeling you had when you first met your husband. Remember the shared dreams and goals you have. I like to remember the feeling I had when ALL I wanted was to marry this man....still makes me smile to think about it.


Always Learning said...

Yes! Keep remembering his good qualities and forget the bad.

Unknown said...

When I read your post I found myself thinking about my husband when we were dating.
Wow! That was over 20 years ago and it still makes my heart flutter.

Amiee said...

Great advice!

LOVE the pic of your sweet baby you have on the top of your blog ♥